Adam Thatcher

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9854-6823

Research Project Title: Calibration of Digital Twins for buildings using Machine Learning

Supervisors/s: Dr James Garland and Dr Ken Thomas




  • Biography
  • Research Project Description
  • Publications and Outputs


Hello, my name is Adam Thatcher, and I am a postgraduate researcher in SETU where I am studying the calibration of digital twins using Machine Learning. I completed my level 8 studies as a student in Institute of Technology Carlow studying Electronic Systems and began my PhD in 2022.

Research Project Description

Digital Twins are an emerging area which combine physical buildings with static and operational data to create a digital model of the building. Using machine learning techniques, this data can then be used to analyse performance and generate insights in an automated way. A performance gap currently exists between the operation of real buildings and the predicted performance of models.

My project aims to develop a novel calibration method for whole building physics-based models using digital twins and machine learning to address the performance gap between building simulation and actual energy consumption.

Publications and Outputs